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Thursday, August 4, 2016

Learn the technology scan your eye on the Galaxy Note 7 all!

Security system equipped on the smartphone really important, such as PIN as letters and numbers together, putting only the PIN number a few digits, putting Pattern knocked unlocked, marking scans fingerprints and new technologies Another Samsung recently fitted on the Galaxy Note 7 first is that technology scans eyeball to unlock.

Tech scans retina is called Iris Scanner, which can identify pupils with the camera capturing fast and Shen Shi assistance to capture pupils more quickly as well despite wearing glasses or here are light enough, was still characterized as well. When you scan each eye 2 in a circle 2 to provide convenience to this tablet capture your eye quickly. And they believe that this technology could be used with other popular programs to maintain safety as well as other programs that can secure using a fingerprint scanner.

Watch the video below:

This is leading a new technology and this is the first tablet technology retina scans. For its flaws, we do not know and there is no information released yet, so we need more information after they have used the past few weeks, and knew.

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